Originally Posted by djbaxter
How can it be both the "default values" and an "edited line"?
In any case, try what I've suggested so far. I don't understand a lot of what you're posting here, not the least of which is the statement that Webmaster Central is trying to download the sitemap, apparently not finding it, and yet not showing any errors. Either I'm missing something or you are - I don't see how that's possible.
If my suggestions don't work, you may need to wait for one of the vBSEO people to log in.
Hello djbaxter,
Sorry for the confusion. By default values I mean what I set in Vbulletins ACP/VBSEO settings.
The edited line applies to the .ht I already had before I even knew about VBSEO. As far as I know searchbots only look in the root of a domain or subdomain for a sitemap. So, it has to be told there that it's somewhere else.
According to the VBSEO control panel, the sitemaps are created (and they are) and google is notified. Google then manages to download the files (according to the same VBSEO control panel). But when I go to googles Webmaster Central for my site, nothing is there.