Originally Posted by Redlinemotorsports
I wouldn't mind spiders as long as their dead and not crawling around while chewing them. Can't be much worse than an MRE.
As far as what I think is the most disgusting edible food out there, I would say ant eggs.
We had a type of "Fear Factor" at work a couple months ago and it smelled disgusting and from what I heard, tasted disgusting. It looked like soup though.
Ha ha Brooks, I used to love my Ration Packs, Miss them already
As for the Ants eggs, They are very popular in Mexico, Just be careful next time you buy a burrito!!
Anyway the Ant eggs in question are called Escamoles in Mexico, heres a bit more about them...
Escamoles are the larvae of ants of the genus Liometopum, harvested from the roots of the agave (tequila) or maguey (mezcal) plant in Mexico.
In some forms of Mexican cuisine, escamoles are considered a delicacy and are sometimes referred to as "insect caviar". They have a cottage cheese like consistency and taste buttery, yet slightly nutty.
Happy eating