I saw this forum entry on another forum and it made me laugh
The cheapest beer in the world is that consumed by a friend of mine called Dermot.
It's cheap because it costs him nothing because he has short arms and deep pockets.
He's a tightwad basically - but all his friends let him get away with it because he has a gorgeous wife whom most of us have slept with without him knowing.
So whilst his beer is cheap it holds valuable memories for us.
Ain't life sweet !
Which got me thinking, How about we do an experiment on how cheap or how dear our beers are, what we'll do is i'll post 3 different beers on here which i guess you can get all round the world, Then all i'll do is to add the price which we can get it for in the UK
For the Prices i went to a site called Mysupermarket.co.uk and i chose the cheapest from all of the UK's major grocery stores
Now the beers i've chosen are...

4 Pack of Budweiser 440ml

4 Pack Stella Artois 440ml
and finally

4 Pack Guinness 440ml
Now i'll add the prices in GBP (?) but i'll also with xe.com convert it to USD ($)
So here goes
4 x Budweiser 440ml cans = ?4.58 or $7.56
4x Stella Artois 440ml cans = ?4.00 or $6.60
4x Guinness 440ml cans = ?3.99 or $6.59
Now to me those are the cheapest from the range of major UK supermarkets, Can anyone do cheaper??