Originally Posted by j1mmy
Doesn't work with 3.7.3
I really wish that people would stop posting inane statements like this.
I accept that it's not working for you. That may be for any one of several reasons:
- you didn't install it correctly
- you have a custom style missing some of the standard vBulletin code
- you have a conflict between this add-on and other add-ons that you've previously installed
- something else is messed up with your vBulletin installation
- etc.
That doesn't mean the add-on "Doesn't work with 3.7.3". It worked for me in 3.73 and all the way through to 3.83. It obviously worked for a lot of other people to.
If you want to make a statement like, "I can't get this to work on my forum", fine. Then perhaps someone can begin the process of trying to determine why it's working for others and not for you.