Hi, i would start to thanks for this great [mod] working perfectly!
Now i having some request that i want to see in the updated version.
1. Firstly if it would possible to make a invite without sending a email.
almost like smf invite [mod]. look here;
You can make a invite and then share it around without any need to email somebody.
I have many members asking for invites but don't giving me email addres. So if i could give the invite code directly instead of asking "what is your email address"
2. When you register. Would it be possible to post the invite code before register. like this:
3. I want to see this in the admincp panel:
*Max number of invites credits for a certain usergroup.
*Number of days for a invite key to be valid
*Number of days for a certain usergroup to get a new invite
If you could fix this, i will forever thank you Hasann!
Best Regards