Originally Posted by Outbackmark
Did you back up your DB before installing the addons?
my memory is iffy on this one because I made the backup of the db the same night i installed the plugins.. but i can't remember if i did it before or after the installation
Originally Posted by Dismounted
Add this to the end of your config.php:
PHP Code:
define('DISABLE_HOOKS', true);
the main config file in the root folder of the forum, right? because I added that line of code right on the next line after <?php on the config file in the 'includes' folder, uninstalled what I think is the culprit code, turned the plugins back on and still didn't work.
I then disabled the plugins once again, and uninstalled ALL PLUGINS, enabled plugins and it worked.
so how can i do this so I can work with plugins once again?
BTW - my VB version is 3.7.6 if that helps.