Originally Posted by Bill from Cleve
"4 - Can my members add artist ? or Album ?
Imagine how a mess it would become if one member adds "Lady Gaga" , then another adds "ladyGaga" and his friend who also plays the forum does "Gaga lady", but a random member does not like those names and wants to do "Gaga my luv" for himself while a noob dont know wat and dont know how where he accidentally creates "Lazy haha" into the list.. The same reason applies for Album records therefore only Admin can create the artist and album. It might be a hard work but you want your musicbox looks good with working portraits and correct information."
Isn't that the whole purpose of a Moderator? This feature kinda makes it unusable. I can't imagine members even wanting to post anything without that control. I wouldn't.
Will this option be taken out soon or in a paid version?
I don't get what you mean, remove the option that does not allow members to add artist ?