I opened my Dbaseerrors.log.log file today to find a ton of these errors...
They started on May 31st and occur numerous times a day, up through now...
Database error in vBulletin 3.8.2:
Invalid SQL:
INSERT INTO taggregate_temp_1245268560
SELECT threadid, COUNT(*) AS views
FROM threadviews
GROUP BY threadid;
MySQL Error : Can't find file: 'threadviews' (errno: 2)
Error Number : 1017
Request Date : Wednesday, June 17th 2009 @ 03:57:12 PM
Error Date : Wednesday, June 17th 2009 @ 03:57:12 PM
Script : http://www.pomoforacing.com/forums/cron.php?rand=1245268631
Referrer : http://www.pomoforacing.com/forums/search.php?searchid=132191
IP Address :
Username : Unregistered
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version :
Database error in vBulletin 3.8.2:
Invalid SQL:
INSERT INTO taggregate_temp_1245272160
SELECT threadid, COUNT(*) AS views
FROM threadviews
GROUP BY threadid;
MySQL Error : Can't find file: 'threadviews' (errno: 2)
Error Number : 1017
Request Date : Wednesday, June 17th 2009 @ 04:56:57 PM
Error Date : Wednesday, June 17th 2009 @ 04:56:57 PM
Script : http://www.pomoforacing.com/forums/cron.php?rand=1245272217
Referrer : http://www.pomoforacing.com/forums/search.php?searchid=132198
IP Address :
Username : Unregistered
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version :
I also notice a LOT of "vbupload" files have been created in my forums directory also. The names are random, but all start with vbupload. Example: vbuploadZkd5c9. If I try to download the file, it says permission denied. I'm thinking these are related, but the creation dates for these are very random and date back before the first entry in the dbase error log (May 31).
Can anyone tell me what is causing them? I haven't added any mods to my forums during this time and have received zero complaints from users about the forums.
Thanks in advance.