Originally Posted by FirstDz
After installation i got database error on music.php
By installation do mean uploading the upload folder and as well as run the install_dnp_musicbox.php to setup the database? Please don't forget that step. If the problem persists, simply click the option uninstall database and install it again.
Originally Posted by nightbloom
Permissions are more member user friendly also.
I guess you'd want a new permission setting that allows specific group(s) to post song only ?
The ability to share playlists would be fantastic also.
I may test this feature. But i guess it won't be anytime soon
You might need to take a look at setting up a new usergroup prior to registered usergroup,and take them on a training course.Or post a good sticky..
The announcement block or the admin's note on post page might come in handy.
Originally Posted by Preech
Are you planning on releasing a vbadvanced module for this.
I have both modules for vbAdvanced and forum with no vBadvanced to show the instant! box on homepage, (just like on my forum homepage dnp.silveryhat.conm). But they are not perfect. And I'm not the coder of that plugin. DnP is. It may take more time for him to develop it until I take a deeper look at it. And I'm not sure if it will be free plugin or paid plugin. He might take a charge of $5 or $10 but that lays in the future. Currently I'm working on the comment feature , take a peek.