Originally Posted by kawe
why my credits not align left ?
how to fix it
im already revert all template
and setup follow the instruction 
look at the other lines in the navbar area - do they have classes on them that need to also be applied to the new line you added for vbcredits? your style's css might not be expecting to style that line, so the default is making it center.
Originally Posted by imported_silkroad
FWIW, Added new field winnumber to MySQL table credits_lottery to record winning number after each lottery. Code mod below:
# diff credits_daily.php credits_daily.php.back2
< $vbulletin->db->query_write("UPDATE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "credits_lottery SET active = 0, winner = '" . $vbulletin->db->escape_string(serialize($winners)) . "', winnumber = $winnumber WHERE lotteryid = " . $lottery['lotteryid']);
> $vbulletin->db->query_write("UPDATE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "credits_lottery SET active = 0, winner = '" . $vbulletin->db->escape_string(serialize($winners)) . "' WHERE lotteryid = " . $lottery['lotteryid']);
If it works (hope so!), will mod template to show winning number in last lottery, which is missing now.
that looks like it should work, and easy to pull out when listing finished drawings
Originally Posted by 50calray
Warning: Division by zero in [path]/includes/functions_credits.php on line 28
You put 0 for the number of referrals per referral point. it needs to be 1 or higher - it is NOT the same as the referral award (it has to do with the additive referral bonus). once you fix that the error will go away and your style will fix itself.