Originally Posted by timallen82
I sure would have liked to use this mod.
I installed and things seemed to be working - until I tried to post, reply, or quick reply.
When I moved my mouse pointer to the empty text box to type a message, the cursor would not appear and I could not type anything. The only way I could get it to work was to RIGHT-click, select all, and then left click so the cursor would show up so I could type.
What's strange is until and if I can get the cursor to show up in the text box, I could see the pointing hand flashing as if there was what I would call 'hotlink overrun'.
Anyone have any ideas how to check and/or fix this?
I went to check if I had the same problem as soon as I read your comment over email. It returned negative. What you experienced seem to only be for yourself, I didn't get that error. I posted, replied, quick-replied well - without problems.
If this doesn't work for you, try the one released by Giovianne (sorry if I got that wrong, cant really remember). That might work for you, and is as good. That didn't work for me, so i'm using this.