Originally Posted by TimberFloorAu
Surely tho:
To enable bots to spider all of your pages, you would need to allow guests to read all posts/threads etc.
So the reality is, based on your figures:
If you have 10,000 threads
average 5 replies per thread, and limit guest viewing to 1 view per thread, then yes you are getting potentially 280,000 indexed posts. But surely this makes no difference to the pages being indexed, because the indexing is carried out based on the language for the forum.
Your forum button doesnt change this ( icon wise )
Isnt it a bit like saying, if you have 30 styles, then it would be 30 x 10,000 x 28 languages, which would increase indexing. Which in reality it does not.?
You're totally missing the point mate.
Google doesnt index styles, or even websites. It indexes pages/urls.
Styles dont create new pages/urls, neither do language packs.
Also multiple styles are all in the same language, so again, how is that generating more original content?
This mod creates original content pages in languages you otherwise wouldnt target, with little or no effort. No need to write any content, nothing. Install and wait.
Yes if you hide pages for guests then that limits you, but that would limit your current pages too.
I dont see why people are complaining, most of you have a few thousand threads and know how hard it was to get there. This MOD multiplys those pages overnight.