Originally Posted by Forumkentimiz
I'm using version 0.3.0 I Mgc Chatbox Evo No Problem. But this option do not delete all the archives
Why aren't you using the latest version ?
Originally Posted by smartkidbk5
I downloaded it. I made it active. I made it show below forums, yet its not appearing.
It might be vBulletin 3.8.2 (thats what im using) - Also I downloaded MGC Chatbox Evo version 2.3.2
If you could help me out that would be greatly appreciated. If you have AIM, please AIM me. My AIM is: eXn GraViTY
Have you set usergrou permissions ? Are you using a custom style ?
Originally Posted by MaXeL3G3ND
There's a bug in a part of the upgrade sequence / script:
( url: mgc_cb_evo.php?do=update_before_2.3.0 )
No idea why it happened, I guess somebody set us up the bomb :O
Update: Nevermind I had to import the .xml (product) file before running the above url. I just thought i had to use the above URL first..
Hehe yes you found out the right way
Originally Posted by kalisekj
Major Change I would Love to see take Place, When Sending a PM , I always hit enter after writing my PM and walla I immediately remember I have to hit save, can you make Enter the Same as Save? This would save me a lot of rewriting a message. LOL
I know, this is on the todo list.
Originally Posted by gpc10347
It's probably been mentioned somewhere amongt this thread: if so, I can't find it -
I'd like the usernames in the chat to be formatted in the manner that the users chats are.. Is there somewhere I can be directed that would allow me to do this?
(Feature request for it? with an on/off)
You mean color and so on ? No currently it's not possible.
But could be interesting, lets add it to the list.