Originally Posted by manchu_fire
Hello all...
Reading this thread from start to finish I'm getting confused on the install??? Any thoughts of posting an updated install process that is working with v3.8.x here or maybe in the v3.8.x mod thread?
I've got it running on a Windows 2003 Server with the installation notes given in the description. Try that step by step.
Thank you Haqa for the programming. Great Work!
My situation was a bit unique, because I our websites are programmed in Cold Fusion. Some time ago I programmed a database with users that have access to a secured website. The user data is held in a mssql database.
So I added some extra code to your script to authenticate those users against my "coldfusion" database too. When success it adds the user to the vBulletin. And I have both internal users user LDAP and external users using my other database.
It also handles password changes aswell, although either LDAP oder my SQL Database is the master.
Now if there were a method where I could pass the ColdFusion login crecedentials to the vBulletin Board, so it would be single sign-on, this would be my perfect szenerio
But thank you again. This is already great enough.