I am completely lost should have 0 issues guys. Make sure you using latest 3.0.0 there was a lot of confusion on previous versions with 0.0 stuff and people using wrong versions or not up to date I should say. Can always contact me directly to help you on MSN, SKYPE, AIM, YAHOO.
But I need to know exactly what you where trying to do that caused the issue. Just saying error without telling me when and what you where doing I can't help

O_dog been hitting you up every hour to see if your back online no luck yet. Be on all day.
You guys shouldn't have any issues. The vbadvanced CMPS thing was my bad which I fixed for you and need to update zip to fix for rest. He also did a latest update which added a column so need to add that check as well before updating. But that only effects CMPS. Rest should not have any issues.
Again realize this is a free mod.
PRO is software and has absolutely 0 issues and is 10x what LITE is all automated etc.
But again support is best on
www.forumcoding.com in chatbox or PM.
What I get out of reading above is you guys tried to drop the tables directly from phpmyadmin and not from product manager in vB. Which you should never ever do with any mod period. Always uninstall from product manager then remove files. Never remove files first then do products either. Always reverse install process is the way to go to be safe.