Originally Posted by danyz81
If you want, I can take a look at your installation versus the settings. You have raised a good point about sites where the name of the default "admincp" folder has been renamed. The name of that folder should really be a dynamic variable to handle situations like that. I will add that to do the master "To Do" list to get it into a future version.
Originally Posted by multiplex
this hack looks cool
are the games the same quality as iBPro?
how many games are there?
where do i download the game from?
v3 Arcade can use v3 Arcade games, IPB games, and IPB v32 games. So, yes, the quality of games is the same.

There is a small collection of example games available directly at v3Arcade.com. Above & beyond that, you'll need to use Google or other search engine to locate sites to download games from. We do not list any specific sites since we can not vouch for the games on those sites. For future versions, we are working on making the process easier.
Originally Posted by Oblivion Knight
If you have some knowledge of the v3arcade MySQL tables, my addon to manually install games could be of use to you.. 

Just remember that the table names are changing with the upcoming 2.0.0 release.