Originally Posted by Saviour
Have a question about the Most Helpful Answers page, though. I notice that in the Posts column...it will list the title of the thread.
Anyway to limit the amount of characters for the thread title in this column?
In helpfulanswers.php find:
SELECT post.postid,post.title as posttile,helpfulpost.goodrank,helpfulpost.totalrank,helpfulpost.lastvote,
thread.threadid,thread.title as title,thread.postusername as postusername,forum.title as ftitle $helpful_selectby
FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "helpfulpost as helpfulpost
and change it to:
SELECT post.postid,LEFT(post.title,35) as posttile,helpfulpost.goodrank,helpfulpost.totalrank,helpfulpost.lastvote,
thread.threadid,thread.title as title,thread.postusername as postusername,forum.title as ftitle $helpful_selectby
FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "helpfulpost as helpfulpost
Where 35 is the number of characters to grab.
Also...it would seem the Forum title and Average Rating column content is not centered in the column. Can ya fix this?
Odd. The cables cells are set to center. Is this the data results or the header?
I also have one last question. I'd like to include a "top of page image" within the table that calls the info for user votes on a thread/post. What do I edit to include this?
I'm not sure what you mean. Can you elaborate?