Originally Posted by tlwwolfseye
Who would NOW by Vista, knowing WINDOWS7 is not far. And thats something different btw. ! Like i said, when vBCMS went from Version 1.x to 2.x we also didnt had to renew the License some of us just made 3 or 4 months before.
If I buy a Anti Virus now, lets say Version 8, and Version 9 will come out 6 months later, but I have a 1 year license, I also get the new Version since its in that time of my license. That is how it is.
Forcing people to buy vB4 again while they still have a valid vB3 License would be like not caring whats with the Customers and only thinking on the profit. Sorry if that sounds harsh but thats how it is. Lets hope it doesn?t come to this.
I'll ask this again, because everyone seems to be ignoring it. But where and when did vB say that late license purchasers were going to have to do that? Also, where is the "forcing" coming into this?