Originally Posted by KW802
I don't recall there being a single game upload option but you can still put the files in your /admincp/games folder and choose the Mass Import options.
Hello, thanks for reply.
I've tryed without success. It always says that "There are no more games to import." when this isnt so.
File Path The location of your uploaded files, in relation to your root forum folder. It should be readable AND writeable by your web server (usually chmod 0777). = myadmincp/games
is this configuration correct? And if yes, why i cant upload more games also if there're on the games folder?
I've so many games downloaded that i cant upload anymore
Before with single upload all working (ok, was one at time but work) with mass import not.
--- EDIT
On default the folder is "admincp", i've another name for this folder so, with mass import gives me a error:
Fatal error: Call to a member function read() on a non-object in E:\inetpub\vhosts\webgif.com\httpdocs\forums\admin _cp\arcadeadmin.php on line 643
i've changed so the two lines on "arcadeadmin.php" when was the folder "admincp" in "myadmincp" and the error doesn't show anymore. But it continues to show always the same messages that there aren't anymore games to import.