Originally Posted by Howell
I did this by changing this mods plugin
Go to > AdminCP > Plugin & Products > Plugin Manager > Product : Usergroup Color Bar > Usergroups color bar > Edit > Plugin PHP Code
And replace ALL with the following...
if (THIS_SCRIPT == "index" and $vbulletin->options['ugcb_onoff'])
$activeusers2 .= '<br />';
$userbuls = split(',', $vbulletin->options['sirala']);
foreach($userbuls AS $userbul) {
$activeusers2 .= $vbulletin->usergroupcache["$userbul"]['opentag'] . '? '.$vbulletin->usergroupcache["$userbul"]['title'] . $vbulletin->usergroupcache["$userbul"]['closetag'].' ';
$activeusers = $activeusers .'<br />'. $activeusers2;
Mine now looks like this.....

Thanks for posting the code to switch that. Makes a huge difference.