I'm not sure exactly what you are asking and I'd like to answer the question for you. Perhaps this will help...
You may post asking for a mod. However, if you are offering money ("I'll pay $$$ for a mod that does this" "I'll donate $$$ for a mod that does this" type posts), it needs to be in the Paid Mods forum. A thread trying to gather people together to pay to get a mod done isn't allowed here either.
And then, there is the whole advertising a paid mod here ("I've made this mod available here - mywebsite.com - and it costs $$$"). That is against the rules also.
Both of those types of posts were filling the second half of this thread. Then there were several posts quoting someone offering money, or the post advertising the paid mod and so those got removed also. There were also several posts talking about features they want added to the paid mod. I basically removed all of those. That left some posts like "Yeah, I agree" or other types of posts that made no sense once the post before it was removed, so I got rid of those. Like I said, basically the second half of the thread was removed because of all the mention of payment and advertising of the mod.
I don't think anyone on the Mod team was actively reading this thread or it would have been stopped long ago.