Originally Posted by nightbloom
OK I really wanted to try it and I installed it. It doesnt work for me. Members cant input artists, when I click links that members put in, they dont work. I tried messing with the permissions and settings but I just keep getting database errors.
I get database errors when I make a new category also. The categories dont work, they arent links, just text...
Arg I knew I forgot something when i brought this topic over here from 3.6 section, THE F.A.Q part ._. , so here it is. Take a look at question 2 then 4 :]
1 - Add musicbox link to navigation bar. Wut to do!?
Edit your style template
AdminCP > Styles & Templates > Your Style template to edit > Navigation / Breadcrumb Templates > navbar.
PHP Code:
<if condition="$show['member']">
<td class="vbmenu_control"><a href="usercp.php$session[sessionurl_q]">$vbphrase[user_cp]</a></td>
PHP Code:
<td class="vbmenu_control"><a href="music.php$session[sessionurl_q]">Instant! Musicbox</a></td>
Change the word Instant! Musicbox to anything you'd like. Save the change.
2 - I make a category in AdminCP. When I post a song I see no category appears in the list OMG!!
Category Level 1 is considered as Parent Category therefore it cannot be used. Create a sub-category under it and you are set. Currently it only supports 2 Levels of Category.
3 - Hey how I post youtube video clip?
On the Post page there are four small buttons next to the URL box, with the icons of Youtube, Metacafe,Dailymotion and Googlevideo. If a youtube link looks like this
The bold part is the only part you need to copy, and then click the Youtube button to paste the code into the box. Then you choose Flash for the File type and Set!
4 - Can my members add artist ? or Album ?
Imagine how a mess it would become if one member adds "Lady Gaga" , then another adds "ladyGaga" and his friend who also plays the forum does "Gaga lady", but a random member does not like those names and wants to do "Gaga my luv" for himself while a noob dont know wat and dont know how where he accidentally creates "Lazy haha" into the list.. The same reason applies for Album records therefore only Admin can create the artist and album. It might be a hard work but you want your musicbox looks good with working portraits and correct information.
5 - silveryhat I cannot edit any song I post, a no permission page appears, are they gonna be perpetual that way now
dat wasnt the answer!
^^ you have not fully explored the configuration file. Go ahead and disable this part
PHP Code:
//Confirm where user comes from when a request to edit song sent.
//Default is yes. If members reach permission restriction when editting a song, turn this off
'check_user_location_when_post_edit_song' => 'yes',
6 - I mean no harm but. WTH should I look if I want to delete/edit a song ?
Definitely not in H

, take a peek
Please note, the two buttons there, Edit only shows to poster of the song OR administrator. Delete button appears for Admin only.