Originally Posted by DeviantFlash
Some of the menu pop ups are white with white writing. Is there a css file to change some of the coloring of these menus?
Yes there is, do a small research in this thread for css or kinda like that.
Originally Posted by lucybb
I checked the server log, but it is not generating an error. I can PM you admin access details to our vbulletin if you can look. No error when MGC chatbox Evo is disabled, but as soon as I enable MGC chatbox Evo some profiles go blank. It is only some profiles that go completely blank, most are ok. I really can't work out what it is, because I can't get it to generate any error.
Well yeah go on I could have a look.
Originally Posted by nanabite
Is there any way to configure the chatbox so that the "Users in the chatbox" shows people who are idling on the chatbox page (as well as those who are presently "active")? I'm looking at replacing Flashchat with MGC Chatbox and the default behaviour will probably confuse my users.
Well currently only the users online in a tab refresh. I could perhaps see what I can do with the one below chatbox.
Originally Posted by Forumkentimiz
Thank you, very nice add-Bi Loading ... But I'm Kurt MGC_Chatbox_evo_2.3.2 But if writing is not opened so Yazıyoar get an error
Your submission could not be processed because a security token was missing.
If this occurred unexpectedly, please inform the administrator and describe the action you performed before you received this error.
Which vB version are you using ?