if i add print_r($_POST); to profile.php, then he will bring a site error: "wrong coding of content"
--------------- Added [DATE]1244843185[/DATE] at [TIME]1244843185[/TIME] ---------------
lololol if i change the action to another file like
PHP Code:
<form action="lol.php?do=ptbank" method="post">
then he will also NOT go to this file by clicking on submit, if i check the source, then there is the correct code, so i dont get it, it seems that it is blocked somehow oO
--------------- Added [DATE]1244843444[/DATE] at [TIME]1244843444[/TIME] ---------------
ok found the source file of the problem
it is global.php
if i remove "require_once('./global.php');" in my TARGET file, "lol.php", then submit works, hm
--------------- Added [DATE]1244843796[/DATE] at [TIME]1244843796[/TIME] ---------------
the only part with exec_header... is this part in global.php
PHP Code:
// #############################################################################
// Redirect if this forum has a link
// check if this forum is a link to an outside site
if (trim($foruminfo['link']) != '' AND (THIS_SCRIPT != 'subscription' OR $_REQUEST['do'] != 'removesubscription'))
// get permission to view forum
$_permsgetter_ = 'forumdisplay';
$forumperms = fetch_permissions($forumid);
if (!($forumperms & $vbulletin->bf_ugp_forumpermissions['canview']))
// add session hash to local links if necessary
if (preg_match('#^([a-z0-9_]+\.php)(\?.*$)?#i', $foruminfo['link'], $match))
if ($match[2])
// we have a ?xyz part, put session url at beginning if necessary
$query_string = preg_replace('/([^a-z0-9])(s|sessionhash)=[a-z0-9]{32}(&|&)?/', '\\1', $match[2]);
$foruminfo['link'] = $match[1] . '?' . $vbulletin->session->vars['sessionurl_js'] . substr($query_string, 1);
$foruminfo['link'] .= $vbulletin->session->vars['sessionurl_q'];
exec_header_redirect($foruminfo['link'], true);
it seems that if (trim($foruminfo['link']) != '' AND (THIS_SCRIPT != 'subscription' OR $_REQUEST['do'] != 'removesubscription')) IS TRUE, that means $foruminfo['link'] is not set, but i dont know what it is or how to set, any idea? or am i totally wrong
--------------- Added [DATE]1244901867[/DATE] at [TIME]1244901867[/TIME] ---------------
ok it is not that function
i dont know :/
i will make my own code then