All that doesn´t justifies that in my oppinion. If you have a rule like this in the EULA from the start, like VALVE for HL2, then even if its not nice, it at least is in there and people accepted that, no matter if they like it or not.
But in case of vB, its not in the EULA of this Software. And just to update it would be far less popular for customers. Loosing Customers for things like that wouldn´t really speak for the Company that makes the Product.
I am speaking also for myself. If I would have to rebuy a license while i still have a valid one, that would really p*** me off. I mean this would be like the purchase was a hokes, and if its suits just to change it to make more money. I still hope that this won´t be the fact and will not happen. But, as much as I really come to love vB, I would not go to vB 4.x and would leave and do my luck with another Software, less perfect or not.
So lets just hope it doesn´t come to that, for all that would be concerned in that case. I really hope that vB will not do a step like this. Its the best Forum Software i´ve ever had and I hate to see this happen.