I agree. You can´t ask people that still do have their 1 year License running, where they paid for already, to buy it again within the time it was supposed to be included in the money they bought vB for. If its Version 4, 5 or 6, it doesn´t matter. When you buy a License for vB it doesn´t say that major Version Updates will cost extra. So you cant ask what you didn´t put into the contract in the first place.
If vBcms would have asked me to pay again when they switched from Version 1.x to 2.x, within the time I bought the license for, I would not have stayed with them. But they didn´t. So i suggest if you don´t want to loose a lot customers on the long run you give the Update to Version 4.x for free when a license is still valid. Except of course vB is like Valve, which means that they also can change what they want, when they want and you have to agree. But they at least pointed that out in their EULA from the start. No after suprise.
Just my 2 cent.