Making a New Thread it works , but editing a thread and putting in a url does not work. It will not save the URL.
same problem with me and with some other users
here got the same issue, so i came back to you to find a solution if there's away we can figure out a fix for this problem
I tried to edit the field thumbnailurl on the thread table and the thumbnail changed perfecto but not a good solution for users who can't deal with db's or phpmyadmin
Just one thing, please have this also apply to sticky threads as well.
Yeah it will be good
It will definitely have the attachment option, where it will automatically use the first attachment. I'm not sure about using the first image in the post, I haven't looked into how difficult that will be. I'll have to get back to you on that.
what about if there's an option or a check box behind the attachments to choose a thmbnail for the thread .. this is my idea about attachment
will be back to you if there's any new