Originally Posted by Saviour
Is there any way to disable this Quick Editor Reply for certain forums? I know I'd have to edit the SHOWTHREAD template. I'm just not sure where...and what code to use.
Thank you in advance...
For current version you may limit it based on usergroup and style, but for specified forums this is not possible, sorry.
However this is not meant you may not have that, because of if you know about vBulletin and plug-ins system, you may add new option to Quick Editor Improver as you will need to create a new plug-in for this capability.
Another way for this issue that I think it's better and easy follow:
Admincp -> Plugins & Products -> Plugin Manager
Button Visibility Bitfields plug-in same as this:
PHP Code:
if ($vbulletin->options['qeimp_enabled'])
$qei_apply = false;
if ($vbulletin->options['qei_excluded_usergroups'])
$qei_exclusergroups = explode(',', $vbulletin->options['qei_excluded_usergroups']);
if ($vbulletin->options['qei_excluded_styles'])
$qei_exclstyles = explode(',', $vbulletin->options['qei_excluded_styles']);
$exclforums = '1,2,3,4,5,6,7';
if ($exclforums)
$qei_exclforums = explode(',', $exclforums);
if (!$qei_exclforums OR (isset($qei_exclforums) AND !in_array($forumid, $qei_exclforums)))
//if (!isset($qei_exclusergroups) OR (isset($qei_exclusergroups) AND !in_array($vbulletin->userinfo['usergroupid'], $qei_exclusergroups)))
if ((!isset($qei_exclusergroups) AND !isset($qei_exclstyles)) OR !((isset($qei_exclusergroups) AND in_array($vbulletin->userinfo['usergroupid'], $qei_exclusergroups)) OR (isset($qei_exclstyles) AND in_array($vbulletin->userinfo['styleid'], $qei_exclstyles))))
switch (THIS_SCRIPT)
case 'showthread':
$qei_apply = (1 & $vbulletin->options['qei_applyto']) ? true : false;
case 'member':
$qei_apply = (2 & $vbulletin->options['qei_applyto']) ? true : false;
case 'group':
$qei_apply = (4 & $vbulletin->options['qei_applyto']) ? true : false;
case 'blog':
$qei_apply = (8 & $vbulletin->options['qei_applyto']) ? true : false;
case 'project':
$qei_apply = (16 & $vbulletin->options['qei_applyto']) ? true : false;
$qei_apply = true;
if ($qei_apply AND intval($vbulletin->options['qei_visiblebuttons']) > 0)
$bv_bitfield = array(
'qr_visible_smilies' => 1,
'qr_visible_size' => 2,
'qr_visible_font' => 4,
'qr_visible_align' => 8,
'qr_visible_list' => 16,
'qr_visible_code' => 32,
'qr_visible_php' => 64,
'qr_visible_html' => 128,
'qr_visible_custom' => 256,
'qe_visible_smilies' => 512,
'qe_visible_size' => 1024,
'qe_visible_font' => 2048,
'qe_visible_align' => 4096,
'qe_visible_list' => 8192,
'qe_visible_code' => 16384,
'qe_visible_php' => 32768,
'qe_visible_html' => 65536,
'qe_visible_custom' => 131072,
'pmqr_visible_smilies' => 262144,
'pmqr_visible_size' => 524288,
'pmqr_visible_font' => 1048576,
'pmqr_visible_align' => 2097152,
'pmqr_visible_list' => 4194304,
'pmqr_visible_code' => 8388608,
'pmqr_visible_php' => 16777216,
'pmqr_visible_html' => 33554432,
'pmqr_visible_custom' => 67108864
Please remember that
$exclforums = '1,2,3,4,5,6,7' will specified forumids to be excluded, thus you may spot a simple option on vBulletin options for it.
Good Luck