Originally Posted by Contra Fates
I really love this arcade, it's definitely my favorite one.
But, I did notice one odd thing with it. I have the Vbulletin Blog on my forums, and in the User CP, at the bottom, it says 'Edit Arcade Options,' but it's under a 'Blog' tab.
Have you heard of this before, or know of a way to fix it?
Contra Fates, it should be showing up under the "Miscellaneous" grouping in the UCP. It relies upon the "usercp_nav_complete" template hook so if you're using a custom style it may be possible that the template hook is not in the right spot. If you don't think that is the case, forward me the URL (PM here or at v3Arcade.com if you prefer to keep the URL private) and I'll take a look.
... and welcome to the v3A community.