Originally Posted by Clani
I?ve changed the pic?s
The problem is, that there is no button in the upper section to make changes to the file......if I need to put the file in a different category, I can choose a category, but i can?t supmit. The same when i need to rename the file.
The button in the lower section is only for uploading a new file.....but if I press this button, when making a change in the upper section, the whole file is gone because i didn?t choose a new file to upload.
There's only one button for submitting both the text information and the file. If you linked a file, you will see the url when you edit the file. If you uploaded a file, both field will be empty, but you should be able to submit the form without filling them. Then the old, uploaded file will be preserved. Normally it can't be gone if you don't fill in the upload/link field when renaming/moving/...
If it does, please pm me your site url and a login/password with download edit permissions, so I can check it out.