Originally Posted by RS_Jelle
You mean another folder on your server? As categories are a database thing only
Set the new folder correctly in the DownloadsII settings (warning: you can't move it outside your forums folder!). Check if it has the 777 chmod (writable). Then try removing the ec_temp subfolder of the downloads folder, if it still doesn't work. Finally you could check the chown permissions.
Hi there,
thank for taking the time to help me/us.
Thats not our problem, proberbly i did?t explain it right...sorry therefore.
I?m talking about the downloaded files themself......we can?t move, rename them.
I?ve made 2 screen?s for you, hopefully you can see what i?m talking about (unfortunally our forum is in german, but i don?t think that should be a problem). And sorry for the size of the screens....the thumbnails woun?t work
thank you