Originally Posted by Andrewsha
The same problem with
Please try
array('ip'=>'','cidr'=>'19','descripti on'=>'Country'),
array('ip'=>'','cidr'=>'20','descript ion'=>'Country'),
You will see 0 in 'ip' column in "ipban"-table
'ip'-column has attribute 'UNSIGNED'
I've changed attribute. Set it empty. Now in db: -> -1029816320 -> -644648960
But in admin panel "List IP Bans" this ip-addresses are not shown.
Thanks for this information, its very useful.
An ip address should be an unsigned int, however it would seem that some versions of php return a signed int instead hence the problem. I'll see if theres a better fix for this tommorow, however if not, changing the mysql field to signed will probably solve it.