Originally Posted by andimac
how do I embed an mp3 file into a post? I want the mp3 to play in the post. I can't figure how to get the mp3 to play in the post... is this even possible?
Newbie... Andi
Is it a local file or a file from another website? Either way MP3 does not come supported by default. You have to get the definitions from my add-on thread to support MP3s locally hosted on your webserver. Same for any off-site media. My add-on is linked in the add-on section above.
Originally Posted by daihlo
Hi all, any way to get this to work with this site
IS a normal FLV streaming site, but doesnt seem to work. Im not up enough on coding to work out how to do it.
Any help really appreciated!
Thanks :-)
Make a request for it in my add-on thread so when I get around to updates I remember to add it to the list of sites to look at.
Originally Posted by mike2902
I installed the AME awhile back. I just added the blog yesterday. If I download and reinstall AME again will it work. Is there some setting I have to change? Im not sure what you mean did I run the process to add blog functionality? I didnt have a blog when I installed it last so im guessing the answer is i didnt. So how do i do it this time if I reinstall it?
That was your problem. When you install the blog
after you install AME you have to run the integration tool in your AME CP to add the proper column to your database. Always check your AME Tools before you start installing/uninstalling AME. Yes, if you install AME now it should notice the blog automatically.
Originally Posted by airborneCAL
when I download the .zip file it says it is corrupted. Anyone else have this problem?
Try downloading it from another computer or after restarting your computer.
Originally Posted by Saint_I_Am
Is this mod causing a conflict with some normal type links? like to a html page?
Other links work fine but this one displays a double http:// like http://http://www...
Depends on if you have another link modification installed.