Originally Posted by stardotstar
Hi all, has anyone had a problem with the Main Left Top "Latest Posts" stats not displaying for MSIE users? It works fine for me with FF but MSIE users are all seeing only that first left box blank>
I find that only me as user 1 and super admin can see the Latest Posts in any of the AFS displays when in MSIE. FF ok,.
Doing a complete reinstall after an attempt at an upgrade over the top.
Reinstall did not help.
It appears that this is all members except me in MSIE and Firefox! The panel shows "loading..." then stays blank,...
Looking into this further and hoping that I can get some traction on it - I have confirmed that the latest posts only show for me as member 1 super admin whatever the browser. They do not work for anyone else guest or member with any browser even with clean style. All I get is the flash of "Loading..." and then a blank panel for the Latest Posts.
I have been pouring over the other mods to see what could be causing the issue but since it works for me as a logged in user I can't imagine why it would be another mod...
I can't see anything in the source that looks helpful to me - the site is
Can you (Cyb if possible) please have a look at this output and see anything amis?
This mod is most valuable to me and I am sure that it must be something simple that has happened since it works fine on my other boards on the same server and has done on arcHELI.com.au until just recently...
Thank you for all your great mods,