Originally Posted by maidos
is it possible to have rss support for the article
This would be nice for the articles.php page.
On another note...the addition of the number of articles in a specific category would be nice, as well.
If I can also make a suggestion...on the layout of the articles...specifically, the links in the article which allow you to Edit Article, Comment, Rate, or Subscribe.
When you add a forum category, you have the option to rate the article. However, the position of this rating needs to be changed. It should either be in the table header, or moved into the column where the other article links are.
Also...you have a link to Subscribe to the article...there's no need for this link since it's already included in the Article Tools menu.
One last thing...thank you, bananalive for the fix for making stickies appear first on the articles.php page...much appreciated.