Originally Posted by BarryW
We are getting multiple entries in the spam log. One accepted user has 25 entries!
If a legitimate user re-submits the new user registration multiple times, it will show up in the log multiple times. For example, where they change a setting, or fail the CAPTCHA, or edit their email address, each time it is resubmitted, it shows up in the log.
Originally Posted by BarryW
We are also getting rejections due to 'Result on field username' ???
Originally Posted by BarryW
I am still a little concerned that it looks at user names as it is rejecting quite legitimate users on my site. I have just had a user rejected because his chosen username was Andrew? There are no other Andrew's on my site, the spam database does not find any issue with his IP or email Address.
You have to be careful of the username searches. StopForumSpam.com searches for partial matches to username searches, which can result in high false positives. Your user "Andrew" did return a hit on StopForumSpam.com, but it also turned up false positives for other usernames that include the phrase "andrew" in it, even email addresses. I would prefer StopForumSpam.com to modify their username searches to only return exact matches, otherwise the username search becomes nearly useless.