thanks All.
Originally Posted by hornstar1337
Thanks this is great!
I noticed a few spelling mistakes:
You can chose you preferd default text formatting from here.
should say:
You can chose your preferred default text formatting from here.
Thanks again tho.
will be fixed
Originally Posted by Daniel_HBK
please try to add a big thread "color words and copy it and paste about 30 time to make a big thread" is it will be displayed ?
قمت بوضع من دقائق موضوع بموقعي كبير به الوان و كده بس هو كبير الى حد ما و لم يظهر منه شىء!
لذلك ياريت تجرب تجتب مثلاً جملة من 5 كلمات و كل كلمة تلونها بلون معين و نعمل نسخ و لصق للجملة حوالي 30 او 50 مرة و تجرب تعمل معاينة او ارسال الموضوع و هل هيظهر ام لا ؟
can you explain it more than this ? cuze i tried it and no thing despaired every thing working very fine