Originally Posted by scruff2
- I also find the /PM option does not work.
It does, just ensure that you are using the right command syntax.
Originally Posted by scruff2
- Also, the notices bar may disappear or the chat bar may disappear, depending on which is busier... Does using the DB for storage help/solve this?
It's because the db request for both is the same => depending on the activity ones might be empty.
You can solve that by setting the Seperate notifications and chats SQL queries to Yes
Originally Posted by scruff2
- big delay when first loading the main page... how to make it instantaneous? Does using the DB for storage of chats help/solve this?
Two reasons for this delay :
- Javascript loading: if you have set the chatbox option for loading javascript YUI files from Yahoo server then they are not cached => reload at each page load.
- Chats loading: depends of how much chats you have set to show in the chatbox. If you have set a big amount of chats then just thought at it, every chat is composed of text which makes kilobytes to download. Per consequence, if there is lot of chats, there is lot of data to retrieve and it takes 1 or 2 seconds or more depending of the amount of chats and the speed of your internet connection.
Originally Posted by scruff2
- Turning BB codes off for a usergroup so they can't change their text color works for the chatbox, but still allows them to edit/set it in their UserCP.
Are you sure ?
Originally Posted by scruff2
- Being able to use colors and BB codes in the /Announcement
You already can, there is an option for that.
Originally Posted by scruff2
- turning OFF refresh for certain usergroups (or turning it ON for cetain ones)
Already implemented, check usergroup permissions.
Originally Posted by scruff2
- allowing NOTICES to via /notice to pop into header (above /announcement bar) so the chatbox becomes the daily notices/announcements place to check! (perhaps a STICKY notice to appear in the notice box would work!)
In the next chatbox version I have added the possibility to move the notifications to a sidebar on the right or on the left.
Perhaps that fits ?
Originally Posted by scruff2
- being able to edit/tailor how the formatting of the NOTICES box displays various types of notices. (ie. thread created - I can change to "created" and add a field if need be, so X posted in thread Y - could become X posted in Y forum Z) In fact, if top headers were created for the notices box, the wording could disappear leaving more room for information to display aka. Advanced Forum Statistics)
Well editing the format is equivalent to edit the sentences, so you can already change the format.
Originally Posted by utahraves
Feature request: Channels selectable from a drop-down. I don't have time to create a bunch of graphics for seperate channels.
Nice thought, adding this to the list.
Originally Posted by Mellymonster
is there anyway to get the chat box on the page where it says teh forum is offline? I have my board offline for the time being, but I would like to beable to be in contact with my members, while we do the update...
Not sure it's possible as the forum offline doesn't allow anything normally.
Originally Posted by SnapOff Racing
Damn I been away for a month or so and all kinds of new features are implemented in the new upcoming version! VBDev still cranking it out I see 
Well yeah decided it was time to work on that long request list
Originally Posted by SnapOff Racing
VBDev I was looking thru the TODO list and I noticed that one of the issues that we were discussing sometime ago isn't on the list anymore. I was just wondering if it was resolved or perhaps accidentally forgotten about. The issue was that when a user types in a chat that is only a link the chat cant be edited. There is no way to double click anywhere on the chatline so that the edit box will appear. Also if someone types in a chat that is a picture but they type the link in wrong, then no picture shows up and the chat is blank. But there is no way to edit the chat afterward. Back in the older 1.1.0 versions you were still able to click someone on the chatline and the edit box would appear.
This had been fixed in the last version, now there is an edit chat link in the menu to work out this kind of issue
Originally Posted by fahl
Can anyone help me in where i put the custom rewrite rules for sbeo
'mgc_cb_evo\.php$' => 'chatbox.html'
'mgc_cb_evo\.php\?do=view_chatbox$' => 'chatbox.html'
'mgc_cb_evo\.php\?do=view_archives&page=(\d+)' => 'chatbox/archiv/page-$1.html'
'mgc_cb_evo\.php\?do=view_archives$' => 'chatbox/archiv/page-1/'
It's in your vBseo options, there is a box for that.