Originally Posted by DobieGillis?
thanks, mate! Amazing, you answered it one sec. I can't get the link to work either in the editor. Together we shall conquer this mod!
Originally Posted by TimberFloorAu
No worries Dobie.
I still havent got the imdb link on our editor, when creating a new thread/post
I got verry tired to say that you propably get even more tired to hear that, but I'm still gonna say it
Please rewiev the template changes on your editor template and make sure you have the imdb.gif icon in the images/editor folder. Give it a try by copying into your custom themes editor folder ( yourthem/editor )
Originally Posted by DobieGillis?
right -o... the file you make the change to add your URL is IMDB, when you search in styles.
original text
get rid of that $bburl and replace with your www.yoursite.com/forum
it worked for me. That is what was holding me back the past few days. Hope that others can benefit from our frustration with this mod.
You don't have to change anything, you simple reupload the plugin what is going to solve that issue automatically.
As you know this plugin is my very first work that I have shared here in vbulletin.org! So I admit there were some unsolved things at the beginning. I want to thank you, both of you guys, DobieGillis?, TimberFloorAu for putting a positive effor to make things right.