Originally Posted by DobieGillis?
thanks, mate! Amazing, you answered it one sec. I can't get the link to work either in the editor. Together we shall conquer this mod!
Yeah, Im still of the opinion, that it should work like the youtube mod.
In essence a user should be able to either:
1. click the imdb link, and then type in the film name. And then it retrieves the info from the imdb without the user having to paste the link in.
2. user pastes in the link after clicking the imdb icon, and the script strips the
http://imdb.com/tt portion leaving the script to then to work as intended, most of our users would not know to remove the tt part, intuitively.
3. as the youtube mod, but just paste the entire link into a post, and the script, does a total rewrite into this hack, and produces the info as per my image 3 posts up.
It needs to be simplified, and made more user friendly. Lets hope the coder agrees. And can find a work around. My son does a similar thing for
www.farkie.com but he is too busy to help, lol