Originally Posted by wolfstream
@fulviods :
Go through all the application settings again, something isn't setup properly.
Make sure that you've got the right id/secret in the vBulletin settings, and make sure that you've got the right urls/domain in the facebook app settings. Those are the two important things that are missed when this happens.
Thanks for your answer. I dont speak perfectly english. Could you tell me if my infos are ok?
Here are infos in my forum admin:
General settings:
Url of my website :
Url of my forums :
FB Connect options:
Same API and secret key that in the fb application.
Import user data: no
The system generated 3 different template ID.
Data mapping:
Actually i linked only one field : location ->location
Do I have to create fields in vbulletin to match the others fields? (facebook uid,name,first name...)
Here are the infos in the facebook application:
G?n?ral tab: I just put the name of the application & logo and email.
2nd tab authentification:
http://www.mywebsite.com/forum in the 2 fields
3rd tab Profiles: Ony the first chapter (name of the tab and url) and
http://www.mywebsite.com for the call back
I didnt fill the other fields
Canvas tab :
http://apps.facebook.com/myname / Canvas callback url
Optional : i put nothing /Canvas settings : Iframe/intelligent/complete/deactivate other fields empty
Connexion tab: connect url :
http://www.mywebsite.com / Base domain :
http://www.mywebsite.com other fields empty
widgets: empty
advanced settings: empty
Thanks a lot...