Thanks Jedi for your responce, Its not HD videos I'm looking to stream, it's HQ (High Quality), HD videos must be just that HD 1280x720 Mine are not that But are of HIGH quality resolutions and Minimal Re-encoding. 780x480 you can add ALL the &fmt=18, &fmt=35 to the embedding command but it dont do nothing Cause You Tube never rendered it as such. (this is a New change from them this week) Anyway I have also installed the AME and see it has a script that works locally. Anyway I'll post on your thread and Not hijack this one, as I do have a few more questions.
Thank you to both of you Guys on 2 great mods, wish i could blend the 2 together, as I want to have the Front end of this one and the ability to point it locally as AME does.