Hi! Thanks for taking a look in this topic 
. I have been running my forum for awhile now, but I rarely have a chance to introduce it to the wide public so I guess this is the time.
I'd love to have you check out 2 links, both remain in the forum only differ in section.
Homepage :
- I design the layout by myself and customize some MODs for better look. I also turn off the forum list in exchange for a HTML dynamic navigation bar. *Note : First time you visit the site it, click the continue button on the firewall to access the homepage.
Musicbox :
- This is my last project that heads toward to a release some day. It's fully integrated with vBulletin forum, ajax powered, SEO friendly and pretty lightweight. I post it here just to seek comments before I release it in the Mods section. So please give me your most negative and barely positive feedback.