the module dont show any image for me... there is an error in the thumbnails path
if i click on the box where the thumbnail should appear in image propriety i get the address of thumbnail and it is like this:
(you can see from yourself
i checked vba setting, and all seems ok... any suggest?
p.s. solved
i just edited the adv_portal_album_picture_bit template removing
$vboptions[bburl]/ from
<a href="$vboptions[bburl]/album.php?$session[sessionurl]albumid=$picture[albumid]&pictureid=$picture[pictureid]"><img class="page" src="
$vboptions[bburl]/$picture[thumburl]" alt="$picture[caption_preview]" border="0" style="padding:$stylevar[cellpadding]px; <if condition="!$usercss">border:solid $stylevar[cellspacing]px $stylevar[tborder_bgcolor]</if>" $picture[dimensions] /></a>
....seems that for my forum the $picture[thumburl] variable contain the forum path already... is this normal?
anyway now is all fine