Has anyone modified vB to insert HTM documents within a forum topic?
I would like to have a 'documentation' section on my web site with a table of documents for the user to chose from. I was planning on using a vB 'forum' page for the document index.
When a user selects a document (actually a vB topic) from the page, I would like the document to appear at the top of the page and then at the bottom a forum topic would be available for the user to post comments or questions about the document. I would like BOTH to appear on one page. I slapped something together with a Snitz forum that appears to work. I simply name the .htm file I want to include in the forum topic with the forum topic id. (i.e. 8.htm), then I have some code in the topic-display page that looks for that file in a directory and includes it.
The format is something like this:
Top of page:
This document tells you everything you want to know about dirt.
1. dirt gets things dirty
2. dirt is tough to get out of your shirt.
3. I like dirt
What do you think about dirt?:
<forum topic appears here>
bottom of page
Can this type of thing be easily done with vB? I'm considering a purchase of vB to replace the Snitz forum.