Has anyone had a problem posting HTML to an event with this mod? I've got HTML enabled for my calendars and when I post the following, it won't work. If I post it to another calendar that is not integrated with a forum, it displays fine. Any ideas where to look? It seems to be disabling html in a calendar somehow.
<embed src="http://www.smugmug.com/ria/ShizamSlides-2007090601.swf?AlbumID=8426926&AlbumKey=kuxig&transparent=true&crossFadeSpeed=500&showThumbs=false&showButtons=false&showLogo=false&forceSize=MediumURL&clickUrl=http://dougwright.huntsvillecarscene.com/gallery/8426926_kuxig" wmode="transparent" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowScriptAccess="always" allowNetworking="all" height="450" width="600"></embed>