Well... went online with 2.3.0, everything was fine till i bumped into extra attributes added to certain entries.
I used it to add extra wallpaper size for some i had done. So, the attribute "widescreen" was used and it used to appear as a link, and hits to it were also added to the total count.
I had edited links_viewone_entity for that to happen.
Well, i tried the same this time, but no success, now, even if the attribute is a text i see the whole image in the attribute field.
Also a download link and a magnifier lenz.
If i change the attribute to be an image instead of a URL, te result is a thumbnail, but with no download link, just the magnifier.
In the end if i use this method, the hits are not counted.
Is there a way to show the thumbnail, but also be able to count hits... or, to hide the big image from my linkbit while the attribute is just a URL, would prefer to show the thumb and click on it to download.
Hope I was clear