Originally Posted by mykkal
There are carrier lookup services you can easily tap into. It just needs to be written. This mod has potential but sounds like it hasn't "come of age" yet.
It's not worth it yet if only my more technical users can figure it out.
I haven't added anything specific carrier wise into the mod, not sure if I'll get around to it or not though. Shouldn't be too difficult, I just need to find the extra time to mess around with it.
Originally Posted by vbreal
is there anything like this for private messages
Not that I am aware of, although I'm not entirely sure what you want it to do in a PM anyway? Just text someone the contents of a PM when they get a PM? It probably exists, but as a PM can be more than 160 characters, etc... it's probably not the greatest idea.
Yes, a forum post can be of whatever size as well, but if it's specifically for SMS messages, people know that and will write short messages, unlike open ended PMs.