I too want a working version of a mod for this... It should be built into VB to begin with...
I have people in groups and some of those groups oversee certain sections of the forums. It sucks to have to add 10 -15 users one at a time to be moderators when I already have them in a group...
The 3,5 version has some flaws in it due to things like social groups being added afterwards etc.
As for your problem with the search, it's not that you need 3 words, it's that the words have to be 3 letters or longer, so "usergroup moderate a forum" has "a" in it which causes the error... (and the rest have 1 or 2 letter words as well) It's a pain that it messes up sentence searches instead of just ignoring those words, but that is the problem. We have gotten so used to google's search ways that the older search systems mess us up now