Originally Posted by 4yBak
It's hard for me to test any type of character set like russian or any type of chinese/korean language. The next release will have a slightly different way of debugging that will make it easier to debug strange bugs such as..
2) if I post 2 different wowhead (english) links I see a bug with wrong link names (I was use standart editor). Example:
and after saving this post I see next:
[Pantaloons of Repentance]
[Pantaloons of Repentance]
where first link for [Pantaloons of Repentance] correctly show tooltip for link for item http://www.wowhead.com/?item=28742 and has correct link name, but for link http://www.wowhead.com/?item=39216 I see also correct tooltip but wrong link name.
When I add one more links - it's also use link name from previous wowhead link.
I noticed some other odd behavior and i was working on a replacement, but i think i'll just quickly fix this and rewrite the entire class for a 0.7.x series.